Thursday, March 3, 2011

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insurance supplemental health wellness

The using complementary health , ACS is limited to persons whose income does not exceed more than 20% of the limit assigned by supplementary CMU.
is a financial aid to help people in need seeking additional purchase individual health.

Help complementary health

The amount of aid in complementary health is capped by the amount of the contribution or premium. It varies depending on the age of the person or persons covered in the contract.

Who qualifies for the GBA?

Any person lawfully residing on French territory for over 3 months can receive this assistance. He agrees that you are legally and that your assets do not exceed the established schedule. Your request is being made with the credit of insurance. If it meets the requirements, a certificate will be issued.

A "check with a Complementary health "allows you to benefit from parallel reduction on the assessment during the acquisition of your mutual health.

Provided you follow the path of coordinated care, you are exempt from advance payment for the share of expenses paid by health insurance mandatory.

Help complementary health: health protection for each

is in the interest of everyone to take a mutual health. It supports co-payments and the excess fees charged by many professionals health.

He agrees that additional health supports your health costs for a fee but is not limited exclusively to wealthy people. Support for complementary health implies egalitarian approach to protecting health.


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