Monday, February 28, 2011

Bleeding 8 Days Before Period Is To Start


Mutual National Region (DTM) was created June 8, 1964. It provides health insurance contracts for individuals and groups. It brings together 734,000 members in health and welfare. The mutual

MNT: Mutual agents territorial

The TAM offers three levels of basic protection in complementary health. These formulas are adjustable to suit your needs health. If you have any predisposition to dental office, you can adjust your security in the building.

Emergency Hospital - Full support of hospital plan ,

- Package of 66 € / day for your particular room,

- In case of hospitalization, You offer no hospitalization nor the medical and surgical fees.

Essential Protection

Medical fees, drugs and vaccines against influenza reimbursed at 100% of the costs of liability insurance.

Protection evolutionary

Optical - Glasses and contact lenses reimbursed on the basis of a fee between 90 and 180 € per year,

- Lenses are not supported by the Social Security reimbursed for 76 € per year,

- Refractive surgery care up to € 180 per eye.


- Prosthetics supported a 100% + 50% surcharge for exceeding tariff

- Orthodontics repaid 100% up to 16 years returned to 190%.

Before accession MNT mutual health insurance, make a mutual quote online to know the formula guarantees each and the amount of the contribution.


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